Indoor Lavender for Fragrance and Cooking Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Vivian Posted on: July 24, 2008
I am looking for a hardy lavender plant with a strong fragrance and that can be used for cooking as well. I will be keeping it indoors and was wondering what type of lavender you would suggest for these purposes.
No matter what lavender you choose make sure you give it a very sunny spot indoors or the fragrance will be as poor as the flowering. In the winter the plants have to be kept cool and quite a bit drier. Also make sure to use a very well draining potting mix as rotting is more of a problem indoors than outdoors.
Fragrance is a personal taste, but most people would agree that English lavender in its many varieties has the best fragrance and probably also the best taste.
The Spanish lavender may be the easiest to grow indoors, but the fragrance and taste are more pungent than those of English lavender.
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