Wild Rice Seedlings Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Len Flaming Posted on: May 03, 2010
I live in Ontario, Canada and I am looking for wild rice seedlings so I can seed them in my pond this spring. I have found some in the States but dew to fido etc. I would like to find some in Canada. If you don’t know of one could you briefly explain to me how I would go about germinating my own. I am a farmer so I do know the basics.
We used to sell wild rice seed under our gourmet vegetable section of the catalogue, but recently we have not been able to get viable seeds. The seeds must be sown as soon as harvested in September to October since they die quickly if dried out. They are scattered onto shallow water and will germinate in the spring. We would recommend covering the seeded area with chicken wire to stop hungry birds freom eating the seeds. We are sorry, but we do not know of any source of plantlets.
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