Rabbits Need Repelling Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Mitchell Posted on: January 29, 2011
I’m hoping that you can recommend a plant and/or herbs that would help in keeping these rodents off my property? Regards,
Plant a one meter (one yard) wide band of nasturtiums around the area you want to protect. In the fall when a few hard frosts have killed the nasturtiums, but there will be mostly snow until spring, spray all bushes to to be protected (such as fruits, roses and lilacs) with "Skoot". It contains the harmless but nasty smelling and tasting chemical Thiram and one bite will teach the little monsters to seek their dinner elsewhere. Apply on a dry day when temperatures are above 4 degrees Celsius.
You can also plant the piss-off plant close to choice treasures, but be sure not to disturb it when you admire your treasures, because it releases a smell we can smell too, namely that of a skunk. | | |