Jujube seed germination? Answered by: Ginny Question from: Joey Posted on: April 28, 2011
Happy spring! I am going to try a second attempt at germinating jujube seeds and am looking for advice. The first time, I think the first time the room was too cold - c. 58 degrees F. I kept them well watered too.
Your deduction would be correct. The room was too cold. For good germination, the Jujube seeds should be sown and placed in an area of 70 degrees Fahrenheit, or above. They should germinate in a week to 10 days. Better germination can be achieved by stratifying the seed before sowing, as they do have a moderate dormancy. To do this, you may sow the seed in a small tray of soil-less mix, cover lightly and then gently water. Pop the tray in to a plastic bag and then in to the fridge for 60 to 90 days. After this period, remove the tray from the bag, and place in a warm, sunny area. Good luck with your new attempt. | | |