| | | Planting Rhodiola Seeds Answered by: Ginny Question from: Christina Posted on: October 22, 2012
Hi.. I’m wondering if ou have information on growing roseroot as I’ve purchased seed recently. I live on Haida Gwaii in B.C. The soil is acidic but I’m wanting to start seed indoors. I have five fairly large plants four years old now. Thank you!
Rhodiola is an interesting plant and is highly adaptable to a variety of soils, excepting poorly drained soils. It is hardy to Zone 1 and grows in the Arctic and mountainous areas of Europe. It enjoys the sun, but prefers to be sheltered from winds. It would be best to start your seeds indoors, in a sunny site, at room temperature. Choose small pots, such as 3 1/2 inch in size, and fill with soil-less medium. Sow about 5-8 seeds per pot and cover only very lightly. Keep the medium moist until seeds germinate, in about a month or longer. Once the seeds have germinated, the seedlings do seem to grow ever so slowly. I’ve found that by the second year of growth, Roseroot really finds its feet and grows well. So, patience is an asset. The plants transplant well. Water them well in to their outdoor site. They respond well to a 10-15-10 fertilizer occassionally. Rhodiola grow to about a foot tall ( 30 cm approximate) and have a yellow flower. Good luck with your seeds. | | |