Ephedra & Heart Patients Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: June Somers Posted on: April 6, 1998
Is Ephedra sinica safe for heart patients? I have had angioplasty. But I am fine now. I want to take a product called Natural Trim which has the ingredient Ephedra sinica in it. I have asked the cardiologist and he said it was okay but does a doctor who is not an herbalist really know about herbs.
Ephedra is contraindicated in high blood pressure It is a brain, heart and circulatory stimulant. Thomas Bartram in "Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine" (Grace Publishers, Mulberry Court, Stour Road, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1PS, England) states that it d ilates the vessels of the heart causing a rise in blood pressure. Hansel & Haas in "Therapy with Phytopharmaceuticals" (School of Phytotherapy, Bucksteep Manor, Bodle Street Green, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4RJ, UK) state that it can cause palpit ations and ventricular rhythm disturbances.
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