| | | Help for Gall Bladder Problems Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: Melody Posted on: May 8, 1998
I have just been to the emergency room for gallbladder symptoms again. I have had every test run that you can imagine. They say that I have no gallstones, but my gallbladder does not function (empty) properly. I have also gotten to the point that I am afraid to eat, since I don’t know what will make it worse. I remember reading (somewhere) about gallbladder flushing. I desperately need to know where to find information on how to do it. At this point, I am ready to try anything!!!
There are several gall bladder flushing techniques which can be used when the stones are small - often they are as fine as sand. These treatments should be carried out under supervision of a health care provider. The simplest method may be the following : Set aside a day for the treatment. Take breakfast, and no meals for the rest of the day. Take 16 ounces of extra virgin olive, one ounce every hour, each chased by 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, which is believed to act as a solvent to help dissolve the stones. It is important to go through the full 16 ounces because the softened gall stones can get lodged in one of the ducts. This treatment really works. The olive oil softens the stones and helps the gall bladder to contract to exp el the bile. The success of this regime can be determined by examining the stool for small pea shaped stones of green, brown or black colour. You may feel nauseous after this cleanse. The nausea should subside within 2 days.
Variations on this routine include: from "Alternative Medicine: the Definitive Guide": Eat a whole foods diet with almost no animal products or processed foods: drink plenty of organic raw fresh apple juice or eat several apples between meals for 6 days. Morning of day 7 have one half cup of extra virgin olive oil mixed with one third cup fresh lemon juice. On rising the morning of day 8, take 3 tablespoons olive oil with 3 times the amount of fresh lemon juice. And from "Nutrition Almanac": "to help pass gallstones, olive oil and lemon juice may be taken before retiring and then again in the morning" avoiding solid food for the first 2 days.
It is important to complement this therapy with herbal remedies to ensure that all the stones are flushed out, and not caught in the bile duct. Bitter herbs promote the flow of bile and aid digestion. Teas of Chamomile (Chamomila recutita), Yarrow (Achi llea millefolium) , Wormwood (Artemesia absinthum) or Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris), taken 3 times a day before meals after the "flush" will keep the bile flowing. Dandelion root promotes bile flow, Dandelion leaves are diuretic. Taking a tea of the leaf and root each day will help to prevent further formation of stones.
With a vegetarian diet, you are unlikely to form stones. A vegetable protein diet includes legumes (beans, lentils, peas), whole grain cereals & rice, seeds and nuts. Foods to be avoided are butter, cheese, refined oils such as corn oil, and sugar. Coffee should be replaced with Dandelion coffee.
In 10% of cases of inflamed gall bladder, there is no obstruction by gall stones, and the inflammation is thought to be chemically induced.
Thomas Bartram, Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine (Grace Publishers, Mulberry Court, Stour Road, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1PS, England) states that gall bladder inflammation has been linked to the use of oral contraceptives.
Maria Treben in "Health from God’s Garden" (available at Richters) uses the following technique to relieve gallbladder attacks: Apply Calendula ointment or lard (or shortening) to the painful area to keep the area from drying out during the next step; moisten a cotton ball with Swedish Bitters and apply to the area; cover this with plastic to keep the area warm; bandage this on with a piece of cloth; internally take one teaspoon of Swedish Bitters in a little water 3 times a day. Maria Treben has gr eat success with this remedy both in relieving and non reoccurrence of pain.
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