Herbs for Migraine, Asthma & Fever
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: Gopi
Posted on: June 8, 1998

Please tell me how to cure or stop migraine, fever and asthma with herbs or spices.

Migraines occur when the blood vessels to the brain are constricted and then expanded. They are often related to stress, tension or anxiety. Feverfew is the specific herb used to avoid migraines, one or two large leaves taken daily. Feverfew inhibits prostaglandins which are responsible for constricting the blood vessels and for causing pain. Calming nervines such as Valerian are usually recommended as well, to help calm anxiety, stress or tension which may be triggering the migraine. Calming herbal teas such as Lemon Balm and Linden flower (Tilia or Lime flower) will help with relaxation. Migraines are sometimes related to caffeine, alcohol or food allergies (commonly dairy products, chocolate and oranges), so these should be excluded from the diet for at least a trial period of a month. The permanent cure will be found in examining possible causes of stress and possible allergies.

Asthma is a hypersensitivity reaction, often to allergens such as animals, pollution, perfume, oranges or dust and aggravated by tension and cold. The airways become inflamed and constrict, making breathing difficult. Food allergens that may cause the hypersensitivity, and should be avoided, are dairy products, fatty meat, eggs, food additives and chocolate. Soy products can replace dairy products, and a few vegetarian meals a week will reduce fat intake. Herbs that are used for asthma are bronchodilators such as ephedra (not in cases of high blood pressure or heart disease), white horehound and wild thyme; Goldenseal helps to heal the mucous membranes and Elecampane is a relaxing expectorant used particularly in asthma.

Fever is the body’s defense against infection, causing sweating to eliminate toxins. Help may be given to the body’s elimination systems (skin (sweating), kidneys (diuretic), bowel (mild laxative), digestive system) to rid the toxins. Herbs that are commonly used are: Yarrow, a diuretic that stimulates sweating and aids digestion; Peppermint aids digestion and promotes sweating; Elderflowers are diuretic and slightly laxative. Fresh fruit juices and vitamin C will help fight the infection.

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