Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: T. Concienne
Posted on: July 13, 1998

Is their some kind of ointment you can put on moles to make them shrink and eventually disappear.

You should consult medical advice on moles due to the possibility of moles becoming malignant.

Thomas Bartram, in "Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine" (Grace Publishers, Mulberry Court, Stour Road, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1PS, England) states that they are never completely eradicated by herbal means, but states the following methods have been used:

* Traditional methods: Rub with raw garlic. Apply juice of Dandelion, Milkweed, Greater Celandine or Jojoba Oil over a long period.

* Wiping with castor oil.

* Internally: Liquid extract of Thuja, 3-5 drops in water once daily for a month; repeat again after 3 months.

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