| | | Thyroid Problem and Weight Gain Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: Elissa Posted on: October 18, 1998
My daughter is 14 years old and is very active, but is gaining weight and yet she is not eating much at all. She is on sythoid for a swollen thyroid, antibiotic for her face, and I give her herbs daily: chromium, zinc, gingko, super power trim for weight, fiber, and herbal tea with senna, cascara sagrada, essential fatty acid, and I’m at a loss to what is going on with her. What should we do? She is getting very upset and discouraged.
You should follow up with your doctor to ensure that your daughter is getting the proper medication for her thyroid condition.
Antibiotics cause an imbalance of enzymes in the intestine, leading to poor digestion and absorption of nutrients and repeated infections. The only permanent cure for acne, if this is your daughter’s face problem, is good nutrition - a diet high in whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruit, low in fat and avoidance of all sugar and sweeteners. With the fibre in this diet, your daughter would not need the help of a laxative. A good diet is more effective in the long term than products purchased specifically for weight loss. Vegetables that have a negative effect on the thyroid and should be avoided are those in the cabbage family: kale, cauliflower, spinach, Brussels sprouts, turnip and beans.
Cascara sagrada and senna are herbal laxatives and should only be used briefly cases of chronic diarrhea. Prolonged use causes constipation and bowel problems in the long term, because the bowel becomes lazy.
Oats and alfalfa are good herbs for energy and stimulating the metabolism. They may be used in the form of grains or as alcoholic tinctures. Dandelion root is supportive to the liver in getting rid of toxins from food and drugs, stimulating the metabolism including digestion and processing hormones. It acts as a gentle laxative, and can be used long term to replace the Cascara sagrada and senna. It can be purchased as a coffee substitute in health food stores, or taken as an alcoholic tincture.
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