| | | Books on Herb-Drug Interactions Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: Name not given Posted on: October 22, 1999
I am a 36 year old, mother of two. I am overweight and my doctor has put me on several medications. I have been wondering for a long time about herbs and how they affect my medication that I am now taking. My doctor doesn’t seem to know much about the different effects of the herbs and medications. He did put me on garlic pills and a product from Rexall called Defendol for allergies. I am now taking my garlic raw in my foods. I am taking a pill called Covera HS 240 mg. at bedtime and Propulsid 20 mg, two times a day (sometimes), I am also taking Estradiol 2 mgs. I want to know if there is a book out that would help me know if these medication would have any side effects from different herbs. I am trying to get back to more natural things rather than all of the synthetic drugs.
There are several books on the market now that discuss possible herb-drug interactions:
Herbal Medicines; A Guide for Health-Care Professionals by Newall, Anderson and Philipson, published by Pharmaceutical Press, 1 Lambeth High Street, London SE1 7JN, England
The People’s Pharmacy Guide to Home and Herbal Remedies by Teresa Graedon, Joe Graedon
Drug Interactions with Vitamins and Herbs: How to Improve Your Health (and Avoid Problems) When Using both Prescription Drugs and Natural Supplements by Skye W Linnger, Forrest Batz, Steve Austin.
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