Bilberry for Canker Sores?
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: Gilma
Posted on: June 8, 2001

I have read that bilberry can heal canker sores. Can you confirm this for me?

Bilberry, used as a mouthwash, may help canker sores, with its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent actions. But to avoid a recurrence, the cause of the sores must be found and treated. They are often caused by internal infections, digestive disorders, immune deficiency, vitamin deficiency or related to menstrual disorders. They may be triggered by stress or by certain foods, such as acidic fruits and sweets, especially chocolate.

If stress is a factor, vitamin B complex helps to stabilize the nervous system. We have discussed other factors in a previous question. Please go to our website at, choose "Q&A" from the main menu, then choose "Medicinal Herbs and Their Uses" and search for the item "canker sores".

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