Infertility and Doctor’s Claim that Herbs are Damaging
Answered by: Conrad Richter
Question from: No Name Given
Posted on: February 22, 2003

I have been trying to conceive for over a year, I tried clomid with no luck and had all the blood work done. Everything looks good. However, two months ago I had a Laparoscopy that showed I had a mild case of endometriosis (they removed it all). I am still having trouble conceiving and the specialist wants to start in vitro fertilization. I feel it’s too soon and started taking Red Raspberry and Dong Quai. If you have any suggestions for me I would appreciate it before I start throwing money out the window unnecessarily to in vitro. Also, my doctor says herbs are more damaging than good.

We have answered similar questions previously and the answers are posted on our website at Please go to the "Q&A" section and search for "fertility". Past articles on this subject will come up.

About your doctor’s comment that herbs are more damaging than good: that’s a common position held by the medical profession. We, of course, respectively disagree. The medical profession’s own data show that over 100,000 people die every year in the United States from inappropriate use of prescription drugs while never more than 100 deaths a year have been attributed to herbs. This difference in attributable deaths is not merely the result of fewer people taking herbs than drugs because close to half of the U.S. population is taking herbs in some form now.

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