| | | Is Belladonna Poisonous? Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: Name not given Posted on: June 20, 2003
I operate a childcare and have been using hylands teething tablets for the infants when needed. What is belladonna? I have a grandma that is saying it is poison. My pediatrician referred these tablets to me when my son was teething. Can you tell me what is in belladonna to ease this grandma’s mind. She said it is from a poisonous plant.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) is a plant known as deadly nightshade. It is known as a poisonous plant, because it is dangerous and can indeed be deadly if taken in higher than medicinal doses, or in health conditions that are contraindicated, including glaucoma, rapid heart beat, pregnancy or enlarged prostate. Side effects include dry mouth and hot, flushed skin, nausea, convulsions, and delirium. Its medicinal actions, in very small doses, are antispasmodic, anti-asthma and anti-sweating. In herbal medicine, belladonna must be used only by a qualified practitioner.
Your teething formula and all other over-the-counter belladonna remedies are homeopathic. Homeopathic remedies are extremely diluted, and are generally regarded as safe, with no side effects.
For your own protection, I recommend that you do not administer any remedies to children without their parents’ knowledge and written consent.
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