| | | Any Research Proving Herbs Help to Lose Weight? Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: Flo Posted on: April 04, 2004
Is there any research that has proven herbs in assisting one to lose weight?
I don’t know of any research that has proven that a herb helps to lose weight. I would not rely on such research if it exists. Research can "prove" what it sets out to prove by choosing the types of people to include in a study and by choosing the studies it publishes, while ignoring studies that prove the opposite.
Weight loss is very much an individual thing. There are many different reasons for an inability to lose weight, from physical problems like low thyroid activity and blood sugar imbalance, to emotional problems. These problems must be worked with before a weight loss program will be effective. Weight loss programs that are the most successful in the long term are usually centred around the type of food eaten, the amount eaten, regular exercise and optimizing digestive and elimination functions,.
For more information on weight loss, please see our web site at www.richters.com. Select "Q&A" from the main menu and enter "weight loss" for the search.
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