| | | Herbs for Stomach Ulcer? Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: Name not given Posted on: August 15, 2004
I have a problem with my stomach. I have an ulcer, bacterial infection and my stomach is swelling. Please tell me the herbs to help me. I have goldenseal. Will that help me the most? I am 52 years of age, and have diabetes and high blood pressure. I take prescription drugs, but they are not helping me and my stomach is getting larger. I don’t want surgery.
It is important that you consult with your medical doctor about your stomach swelling. I recommend that you also consult with a natural health practitioner such as a medical or clinical herbalist or a naturopath, who can do a full health assessment and recommend the herbs and diet that will be the most helpful for you and will not interfere with your prescription medication. In the meantime, herbs that you can use safely are slippery elm bark powder, which is soothing and protects the stomach, and chamomile tea, which is anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer. I recommend that you do not take goldenseal without the advice of an experienced health practitioner.
For more information on ulcers, please see our web page at www.richters.com. Choose "Q&A" from the main menu, then enter "ulcer" for the search.
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