Does Kelp Cause Water Retention? Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: Nmae not given Posted on: January 22, 2005
I heard that kelp can cause water retention is that true?
Kelp is a mild diuretic, so should decrease water retention when taken with food in the traditional way – i.e when kelp is added to soups and stews, as it is traditionally used in ocean areas, where kelp is abundant. Taking kelp as a supplement can cause lots of problems if it is not taken under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner. It is rich in iodine, which stimulates the thyroid gland, so is most commonly used medicinally for iodine-deficient hypothyroid disease. Symptoms of excess kelp intake are those of hyperthyroidism: anxiety, sweating, rapid heart beat, fatigue, menstruaal disorders. I don’t know specifically whether an excess of kelp can cause water retention, but the range of metabolic disturbances is wide.
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