Shrinking Overlarge Breasts Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: Name not given Posted on: January 27, 2005
Is there any herb or that can reduce the size of my breasts? Do you have ANY suggestions to reduce breast size without surgery?
I do not have any experience or knowledge with using herbs to reduce breast size.
Thomas Bartram, in "Bartramīs Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine" (available at Richters) suggests the following herbs to reduce overlarge breasts: nettles, Vitex agnus castus (chasteberry), poke root and pipsissewa leaves as teas, powders or tinctures, three times daily. Note that poke root is a herb that can be taken only under supervision of a qualified practitioner. The recommended dosage is extremely small. Larger doses cause serious health problems. For more information on poke root, please see our web site at Choose "Q&A" from the main menu, then enter "poke" for the search.
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