Yohimbine and Ginseng in Anxiety? Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: Name not given Posted on: November 24, 2005
Can you please tell me if it is safe/advisable to take yohimbine and ginseng to help me cope with anxiety?
Yohimbine, an alkaloid component of the bark of the yohimbe tree, is a powerful stimulant of the nervous system. It should not be taken in anxiety. For information on the side effects of yohimbe, please see our website at www.richters.com. Choose "Q&A" from the main menu, then enter the word "yohimbe" for the search.
Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) can cause restlessness and insomnia, so I would not recommend it for anxiety. American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) does not have these effects, but does increase resistance to stress, so could be useful for you.
For information on herbs for anxiety, please see our website at www.richters.com. Choose "Q&A" from the main menu, then enter "anxiety" for the search.
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