| | | Swollen Body After Applying Sunblock Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: Marcy Posted on: October 02, 2007
I have an uncle that works outside being exposed to the sun all day. He recently started using a new sunblock but when he checked the label it said it had to be removed within two hours. My uncle did not do so and got a rash one his face and neck. The next day my uncle was very sore and his face and arms where aching. Right now my uncle cannot move because his body is swollen including his face, he doesn’t look the same. We took him to the hospital and they said it was probably something he ate. We took to him to a different doctor and he said his body is retaining too much liquids and told him to take teas like green tea or loquat tea (mispero). I’m not stating that the sunblock did this to him but it was the 1st thing he did prior to feeling really bad. Any information would really help.
It does sounds like some kind of allergy, that has caused the release of chemicals including histamine, which causes swelling. Nettle is a good herb to decrease the histamine reaction. Make a tea by steeping 2 teaspoons of dried nettle per cup of boiling water in a non metallic teapot. Cover the teapot and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. He can take 3 or more cups a day.
Drinking lots of water helps to flush out wastes that are fluid retaining. A diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables discourages fluid retention because these foods are low in water-retaining sodium. Meat, fish and cheese require large quantities of fluid to digest.
Salt is fluid retaining and should be avoided.
Herbs that can be added to cooking to promote fluid elimination are Ginger, Fennel seed, Parsley and Turmeric.
Dandelion root is effective in elimination of excess fluid, and it provides potassium that is lost with the use of most prescription diuretics (agents that help to excrete excess water from the system). It can be taken as a tea, three times a day, by simmering a teaspoon of the dried root in a cup of boiling water for fifteen minutes. Dandelion coffee, a powder made from the roasted root, is available at health food stores.
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