Asparagus racemosus, Pregnancy Answered by: Christine Dennis Question from: Santosh Posted on: December 02, 2007
1: In Indian traditional system, Asparagus racemosus, a medicinal plant, has several medicinal uses and is mentioned safe even in pregnancy. I want to know that is it true.
2: What will be possible effect of saponin supplementation during late pregnancy in humans and animals?
Young asparagus shoots are a gentle diuretic, a galactagogue (increases milk production in nursing women) and used as a nutritious food. It does have a history of use in pregnancy when a mild diuretic action is needed. However, as you noted, the root which contains saponins, has also been used for these same purposes, is anti-inflammatory as well as having a hormonal effect on the body and is used for fertility, impotence and low libido. As such, asparagus root is not recommended during pregnancy as it can cause hormonal changes.
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