Rheumatoid Arthritis Getting Worse
Answered by: Christine Dennis
Question from: Cynthia
Posted on: March 06, 2008

I hope you can help me in some way. I am a 47 year old person that does not like to take medicine made by man, because of all the side affects. I am searching for some kind of herb that will help me with rheumatoid arthritis. My body seems to be getting worse little by little. My hands and feet are inflamed and swollen every day. My fingers have started to to form what I call "knots" I guess what I need to know from you is there some kind of herb out in the world that will help me with inflammation and knots. Any help from you would be very appreciated.

This question has been addressed before. For information on diet, please see:


Also see:


I would like to add to these answers. Turmeric (powdered take 1 tsp three times per day) is an excellent anti-inflammatory herb as is ginger -- can be drank as a tea. Shitake mushrooms and celery soup has been used to reduce the antibodies mediated by the immune response and can be consumed regularly. Nutritive and cleansing herbs such as nettles and alfalfa can be drank three times per day.

However, I would really like to urge you to consult a herbalist in your area for a personalized treatment protocol.

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