Pubic Bone Inflammation Answered by: Christine Dennis Question from: Fernando Posted on: April 27, 2008
What herbs can be used for pubic bone inflammation?
For short term temporary relief pain relieving herbs such as willow, poplar and birch bark can be used along with meadowsweet or black cohosh. Stronger pain relievers such as gelsemium and Jamacian dogwood can be used under the supervision of registered herbalist. However, for longterm relief, nutritive herbs such a nettles, horsetail, alfalfa, chickweed, lamb’s quarters and comfrey can be drank daily to help nourish and reduce the inflammation and pain. Anti-inflammatory diet such as essential fatty acids, especially omega 3, such as walnut, flax, and hemp oils, B complex rich diet and magnesium rich foods is indicated. Curries and foods that contain tumeric, ginger and fennel can be eaten for the natural anti-inflammatory effects.
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