| | | Taking Herbs Answered by: Christine Dennis Question from: Leo Posted on: March 05, 2010
I have purchased several of your Dried herbs. How best do I take your Herbs? Do I make a tea and how often should I drink the tea? I have purchased Garcinia - dried fruit whole, California poppy, dried herb, red poppy seeds whole and Spikenard, root cut.
California poppy is best taken as an alcoholic extraction so you can make a tincture from it by putting hte herbs in a glass jar and filling it up to just an inch over the top of the herbs with your favourite 40% alcohol such as vodka or brandy. Then you let that sit for a month and take the tincture by the dropperful.
The same would be true of the red poppy seeds.
The spikenard can be made into a tincture like above or make a decoction which is a simmered tea. TO make that, place 1 T of roots in a cup of water and simmer gently for 20 mins, strain and drink. Up to 3 cups per day is a standard dose.
The Garcinia can be made into a decoction as well and drank in the same way as the spikenard.
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