Varicose Veins in Child’s Mouth Answered by: Christine Dennis Question from: Nudrat Posted on: June 03, 2010
I have a question regarding dead veins in a childs mouth, they are inside the lower lip and go back in one side of the mouth. They are blue in color and slightly bumpy to touch. The doctor says it needs to be checked every few months to see if there is any change. The mother is very worried about this condition and wants to know if any kind of herbs can help in this case. Will turmeric help? What would the dosage for five and half year old be and how would they use it? If there is any other herb you can recommend it will be much appreciated.
What you are describing sounds to me like varicose veins in the mouth. Turmeric can help if the cause of the varicosities are due to liver congestion and stagnation. Herbs to treat varicose veins can be found at:
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