| | | Rescueherb, Solenostemon monostachyus Answered by: Christine Dennis Question from: Ted Posted on: March 22, 2011
I have a few question regarding the rescueherb. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. I am interested in learning how to use this herb safely.
Rescue herb (Solenostemon monostachyus), is an African herb where the leaves are used for panic attacks, stomachaches, fevers, headaches, female reproductive complaints such as dysmenorrhoea and infertility. The medicinal actions of this plant are as an anti-convulsant, sedative and stomachic. Because it has a depressing effect on the central nervous system, it is a good herb to reduce agitation and irritation of the nervous system such as panic and anxiety attacks. This is not a plant that I am familiar with in my clinical practice, but considering the traditional use of the plant being eaten as a pot herb, I suspect a standard 1 tsp. of dried leaf per cup of boiled water, drank 3 times per day, would be a good place to start in terms of dosing.
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