| | | Lamb’s Quarter Answered by: Yvonne Tremblay Question from: Sheryl Posted on: November 24, 2005
My grandmother made tea with lamb’s quarter. Since she was Cajun and only spoke French it’s been interesting in trying to find the English version of the plants she used. I need to know how to make the tea... can it be too strong?
Try this for your tea: Place 1/4 cup/50 mL (or 2 tbsp/30 mL dried leaves) chopped fresh Lamb’s Quarter leaves in a quart (1 L) canning jar. Pour boiling water over top; cover and let steep at least 4 hours or up to 24 hours. Strain out leaves. Use up within 2 days; keep refrigerated. Taste for palatability, adding more water if necessary.
For a tasty quiche using lamb’s quarter: http://www.naturenode.com/recipes/r_lambs_quarter.html
Lamb’s Quarter leaves when young may be added to salads, or if more mature, cooked with other leafy greens such as kale, Swiss chard, mustard greens, etc. After cooking potatoes with garlic, mash well and stir in shopped Lamb’s Quarter while still hot.
And I actually located one plant in the three years that I have been looking for it. The road crew was about to run it over so I picked the stems a little early. I will try to salvage the seeds and re-root two stems. If this does not work do you sell lamb’s quarter seeds? I would like to start some down in Louisiana for home use.
Lamb’s quarters is very easy to grow. It is a naturalized wild plant throughout much of North America. You can grow it by scattering seeds anytime this fall or next spring. Seeds are available from Richters; please see:
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