| | | Infecciòn Crònica de Riñones (Chronic Kidney Infection) Answered by: Susan Eagles Question from: Luis Carlos Posted on: April 26, 2000
He tenido oportunidad de leer tu website un par de veces y quiero felicitarte por la amplitud de temas que manejas en ella. Soy un convencido del poder de la botànica en el ser humano y por eso quiero pedirte que me indiques que producto Herbs puedo adquirir para una infecciòn crònica de riñones, ya que mi madre posee 4.8 puntos en la creatinina, lo que equivale a decir que sus riñones no eliminan bien las toxinas.
Translation: I had the opportunity to visit your website a couple of times and I want to commend you for the range of topics covered. I am convinced of the power of botanicals in human health and for this reason I want to ask you to suggest herb products I can get for a chronic kidney infection. My mother has tested at 4.8 creatinine, a level at which it is said the kidneys are not eliminating toxins efficiently.
In the blood, U.S. normal level of creatinine is 0.6-1.5 milligram/deciliter. The corresponding European measure is 53-133 micromole/liter. In the urine, normal is 15-25 milligram/kilogram/day (U.S.), or by the European measure, 0.13-0.22 millimole/kilogram/day. The level increases with renal failure, urinary obstruction, dehydration, dehydration and muscle disease. It looks like you are using the U.S. blood serum level. Apparently, the level doesn’t increase until 50% of kidney function is lost.
Kidney complications are very serious and must be treated in conjunction with doctors and the hospital. There are many possible causes. Without knowing more, it might be dangerous to recommend anything. It would probably be treated as for uraemia with diuretics (corn silk), urinary antiseptic (buchu) and blood detoxification (echinacea) and restricted dietary protein.
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