Yeast Infection on Lips, Acne
Answered by: Christine Dennis
Question from: name not given
Posted on: March 18, 2009

I have recently come down with severe chapped, dry itchy lips as well as acne. I have recurring Candida so I think it is yeast overgrowth. My mouth has become unsightly as it is dry, flaky and chapped, and my skin is dry and full of acne now. I also have dark circles under my eyes which leads me to believe it has to do with my kidneys. I would like to know what are the best herbs to take orally (of course with the proper diet). Also, what I can put on my lips to make them stop itching and drying. What form is the best way. I am completely ignorant when it comes to herbs so if you could explain how to take it (capsules, tea’s etc.) I had golden seal in mind but not sure if it would be my best bet. Also I don’t suffer from genital yeast infection only mouth.

This to me sounds like a severe essential fatty acids deficiency as well as a lack of adequate water consumption and other possible nutritional deficiencies.

I would go back to the basics: lots of essential fatty acids each day (3T/day) such as flaxseed oil and walnut oils, nutrient dense herbal infusions such as nettles, oat straw and alfalfa (can be made in 1 liter sized batches) and drank several times per day (1 tablespoon of tea blend to one cup of water) after letting them sit for as long as possible (minimum 20 minutes - over night would be ideal) before drinking and finally a wide variety in your daily diet for a broader assortment of nutrient intake.

Bitter herbs such as dandelion root, gentian or yellow dock can also help to stimulate better absorption of nutrients as well as combat Candida.

In the meantime, St.John’s wort and lemon balm oils can be applied to your lips or made into a salve then applied several times per day.

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